Photos Courtesy of Kolody of Big Shony Balls

The handful of innovators in the balloon industry are talented, but they rarely get the acknowledgment they feel they deserve for their art. It isn't until a trendsetter spots the innovation at the perfect timing that it becomes a "viral trend". For the trendsetter, the stars have aligned perfectly; they saw this excellent design that no one else has seen yet, and they're able to gain a mass consensus for others to try it rapidly.

For the balloon art community, a common insecurity you probably worry over is, "Am I even an artist if I'm not setting the trends?”

But I have a theory. I genuinely believe that being ahead of the trends is unrealistic for the majority of artists, and in fact, being a trendsetter is more about learning the skill than being an innovator.

Trendsetting gets you noticed. Being able to replicate a trend gets you paid. And knowing how to spot and inflate trends early enough will get you light years ahead in the design world.

Trends don't actually exist in a vacuum. We've all heard the saying "the pendulum swings back and forth". While this is true, often, trends are just a reflection of society at the current time. Coupled with culture, technological advancements, and consumer behavior, trends spread like viruses when something becomes mainstream at just the right time.

Take, for example, the rise of inflatable fashion. Hyperinflation has hit our wallets and has also hit the runways. At a time when eggs were $5 a Carten and interest rates have made it nearly impossible for millennials to purchase homes, an escape from realism has shown up on the runways, magazine covers, and red carpets.

Another trend that has yet to die down since its start is the ultra-femme aesthetic. Have you seen a lot of shades of pink, heart-shaped cakes, and the bow trend flying around social media in the last year? It's not by accident. In recent years, political issues such as the bans on abortions, most recently the Alabama Supreme Court decision affecting IVF, and even the pandemic have reshaped society's views on what it means to be a girly girl. In 2023, the release of the Barbie movie and Barbie's signature pink engulfed every corner of social media, advertising, and marketing. Taylor Swift friendship bracelets were a pleasant reminder of nostalgia from our childhoods. And the infamous skincare routine is a trending hashtag on socials that is not going away. So what's the connection? Escapism became our only outlet as the world was burdened with social isolation. When the majority of teens lost three years of their formative years and experiences, others got well-needed rest they've never had before. Women and femme people have been looking for an escape from the pressures in recent years and have found it in experiences that remind them of their childhoods and living "the soft life". Thus, the girl-girl aesthetic pendulum swung right back into our views and is here to stay.

When there are significant shifts in society and culture, new opportunities for trends will present themselves. But for entrepreneurs and artists, timing is critical to how you, too, can jump Onto trends early enough to make an impact.

How to Trendset

As previously stated, trendsetting isn't done randomly. It boils down to two components: timing and skill. Trend forecasting is like peering into a crystal ball to predict what's next in fashion, technology, or even social behavior. But to do it well, you need a few essential qualities beyond crunching numbers. Let's break them down.

Challenges the status quo: Trendsetting isn't for those who like to play it safe. You have to be willing to shake things up, question the norms, and think outside the box. It's all about spotting those little ripples that could turn into big waves of change before anyone else even notices them.

Research: You're Sherlock Holmes, but instead of solving crimes, you're digging through mountains of data. From market trends to social media buzz, you're on a mission to uncover clues about what's coming next. Connecting the dots and piecing together the puzzle of tomorrow's trends is key here.

Awareness of the world: Despite being in the balloon world, we don't actually live in a bubble. Trendsetters need to have their antennas up, tuned in to what's happening in the big wide world. From political shifts to pop culture crazes, you have to be plugged into it all. It's like having a sixth sense for spotting the next big thing before it hits the headlines.

Fearlessness in being emulated Okay, picture this: You come up with this killer idea. It's fresh, it's bold, it's gonna be huge. But here's the kicker – you have to be cool with other people jumping on the bandwagon. It's like being the cool kid in school who's not afraid to share the spotlight. Being conscientious means recognizing that for a trend to really take off, it needs more than just your stamp of approval. Imagine being the spark that ignites a wildfire of creativity. It takes guts to put your ideas out there, knowing full well that others might run with them. But true trend forecasters aren't afraid of being copied – they welcome it. It's about embracing the ripple effect of inspiration and fostering a culture where creativity can flourish, and trends can evolve organically.

Timing: Ever heard the phrase "timing is everything"? When it comes to trend forecasting, more actual words were never spoken. It's like being a master chef, knowing exactly when to add that secret ingredient to make the dish pop. You have to have a sixth sense of knowing when the time is right to launch a trend or jump on the next big thing. Miss the boat; you're left playing catch-up while everyone else rides the wave.

If understanding trends and getting detailed reports is your thing, check out our new Balloon Business Insider Subscription. We’re giving you daily, in depth insights and doing the research, so you don’t have to!


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