Delivering Joy- Legacy of Pop Park City

Jennifer and Sara, a mother-daughter duo who stumbled into the balloon business in 2019 and quickly gained a following in Utah for their unique and creative balloon designs. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, they persevered, delivering joy and happiness to their customers while taking necessary precautions to keep everyone safe. Jennifer's infectious joy and passion for creating memorable experiences made a lasting impact on her work and the lives of those around her. Although Jennifer passed away in 2022, her legacy continues to inspire and celebrate her impact on the balloon industry. Sara sat down with The Balloon Business Magazine to reflect on the life and legacy of her mother Jennifer.

Sara from Pop Park City, a beloved balloon business and pioneer in the industry, shared some of her earliest memories of her dear mother, Jennifer, and their love of balloons. Jennifer was not only Sarah's mother but also her business partner. In 2022 Jenifer passed away suddenly, leaving a void in the world of balloons and in the hearts of those who knew her. However, Sara wants the world to celebrate Jennifer's Life, legacy, and impact on the balloon industry. As Sarah recalls, Jennifer was independent and unapologetically herself, with a love for bold colors and a signature blush pink. Jennifer's wisdom in living life for herself and not seeking validation from others is something that Sara holds dear.

The Life of Jennifer: An Inspirational Story of a Mother-Daughter Duo in the Balloon Business

The legacy of Jennifer, an inspirational story of a mother-daughter duo in the balloon business, continues to inspire those who knew and loved her. Jennifer's daughter, Sara, fondly remembers her mother's independence and fearlessness.

As a very young mother, it was Jennifer and Sara against the world. "She was a single mom at 18, and she met my stepdad when I was 6. My dad always said she was so independent; if it didn't include both of us, it was out of the discussion for her! She wasn't afraid to do things for herself! And others too." Sara recalls.

Sarah's earliest memories of her mother were of a strong, independent woman who's confidence in herself and her unique style inspired Sara to be herself, regardless of what others thought. She loved bold colors, tulle skirts, and anything pink. Her mother believed in being true to herself and not caring about trends or fitting in. "It was very rare to see her in pants. She loved really BOLD colors, but she always would say that blush was her signature color. Anything Pink, She wasn't afraid to go bold! It wasn't always that way, but in the last few years, she stopped caring about trends and started living life for herself. We spend so much of our lives getting validated by others and fitting in, and my mom really didn't care! I think there is a lot of wisdom in that."

"The older I get, the more I realize I'm doing this for myself!" Sarah quoted her mother. This philosophy of embracing oneself and living life to the fullest influenced how they approached their work with balloons.

"The older I get, the more I realize I'm doing this for myself!"

The Beginning of POP Park City

In 2019, Jennifer and Sarah stumbled into the balloon business almost by accident. Jennifer had been doing marketing for a local oral surgeon for 13 years and was always looking for unique ways to make an impression. She saw a hand-lettered balloon online and was immediately inspired. "Her biggest thing was that everyone was so excited to see her because she would go into offices, bring them treats, and made sure people knew who she was. She always wanted it to be something unique, memorable, and local. She would source all her fun things from local businesses, but she wanted to get more creative," says Sara. After discovering that there were no balloon artists in Utah who did that kind of work, Jennifer and Sarah decided to take matters into their own hands. Sarah, who had some experience with traditional spiral arches and calligraphy, joined her mother in this new venture. Despite their lack of experience, Jennifer and Sara quickly gained a following. Their willingness to pivot and try new things, like decorating porches for birthday parades, earned them a reputation as a fun and creative duo.

The COVID-19 pandemic may have slowed them down, but it didn't stop them. Jennifer and Sara continued to work their full-time jobs while running their growing balloon business. They persevered, taking precautions such as sanitizing ribbons and making sure their customers felt special. "It gets so funny to think about this. We were willing to decorate porches and drive-by birthday parades for a 90-year-old woman. There were pictures of it in the local paper! It makes me smile to think about it. I came across a picture of my mom and I outside, and we were both wearing our masks. It makes me laugh, but we were just doing our best."

Delivering Joy: Jennifer's True Meaning of Life

Jennifer was a remarkable woman whose joyful and exuberant personality made a lasting impact on her work with balloons. She was passionate about creating experiences for her customers, delivering joy and happiness wherever she went. Her daughter Sara described her as someone who believed in experiences over material possessions and wanted to create memories with loved ones. "She believed in experiences over the material. My mom worked because she had to, but doing our balloon business and being successful allowed us the time and space to create memories! We traveled more and did more together. Without the business, we wouldn't have spent as much time together!". Jennifer's infectious joy and enthusiasm were the driving force behind their successful balloon business. She loved seeing the reactions of people when they received their giant balloons with their names on them, and she always went the extra mile to make sure that each client's experience was unique and memorable. Jennifer always said, "We were delivering joy! No one is sad to see you deliver a giant balloon with their name on it!" During the pandemic, when Sara was overwhelmed with work, Jennifer would personally do the deliveries herself to see the joy on people's faces. "That was her true meaning in life. I will say during Covid, I was still working, and she would do the deliveries herself. Every other day she would tell me to come to do deliveries because seeing the reaction of the person getting the delivery was the true meaning behind our work. I was so stressed doing everything at that time I wasn't happy. It was just nonstop. But my mom convinced me to actually see the joy." Jennifer's carefree attitude towards life was evident in the way she dressed, often wearing fun and frilly clothing that reflected her personality. She had an unwavering belief that life was short, and she lived every day to the fullest, doing what she wanted to do and embracing spontaneity.

"In 2019, my aunt worked at Disney. She had a preview to open the star wars land. We live in UTAH. My mom called my brothers and me at noon to go to California! We jumped in the car and drove to California, got to my aunt's house at 3 am, slept for a few hours, and went to Disney! That was my mom! She believed life was short, hindsight is 2020, but in the last couple of years, she did what she wanted to do! She would say, "Life is too short. I'm eating this cake" She would GO on the trip and eat the cake. Embrace the spontaneity, don't stress, and do it."

Jennifer on her impromptu Disney trip wearing her signature bold colors and dress

"Working with family is 10% swearing and 90% fun. But it's so worth it!"

Living Life to the Fullest: How Jennifer's Boldness and Joyful Personality Shaped the Balloon Business

Jennifer's kindness and thoughtfulness were reflected in their balloon business, where she was the primary person for client communication. She would listen to customers and add special touches that she had gotten to know about them, making each experience unique and personal. Her love for others extended beyond her family and friends, as she was always thinking about ways to create experiences for others. When asked about Jennifer's greatest contribution to the industry and her influence on other artists and business owners, Sarah recounted a pivotal moment in 2021. As the industry grew and became more competitive, Sarah and Jennifer noticed a need for more community and some troubling business tactics, such as direct messages to customers asking for free work. Jennifer responded, "Do they not realize we're humans?" This led to the idea of fostering a sense of community among Utah balloon businesses, and they organized a gathering that drew over 100 people. It was a success and sparked a movement toward kindness and unity in the industry. "It's so much better to be nice than mean," Sarah reflected.

Jennifer's legacy was her passion for treating others with kindness and respect and promoting a sense of community rather than competition. Sarah hopes to continue this legacy by carrying on the work they started together and inspiring others to do the same. "I hope this sparks other people in other areas to do the same," she said. Jennifer's passing was a tragic loss for her family, friends, and the balloon industry as a whole, but her legacy lives on through the impact she made on those around her. We celebrate her life and honor her memory by continuing to promote unity and kindness in the industry she loved.

Overcoming Tragedy with Grace: Sarah's Journey of Maintaining Her Business While Honoring Mother

In the wake of the tragedy, Sara has admittedly found herself overwhelmed by the pressure to keep the business running. But with the support of her mentor, husband, and loyal clients, she found the strength to keep moving forward. For the last nine months, she's been maintaining the business and taking the time to grieve while still finding joy in her work. Sarah admits that some days are harder than others, and it's tough to be happy when she feels so much pain. But she's learned that it's okay to just coast for now, and that she doesn't have to rush into anything until she's ready. She still dreams of growing the business, but she's not putting any pressure on herself to make it happen right away. "I met with my mentor, who has owned multiple large companies. He said, "ok, Sara, you don't have a ton of overhead, but you have 1099 employees, you work at home, and you do not have debt. The way I see it, you don't have to change anything until you're ready. You can maintain."

“It was the biggest weight left off of my shoulders. I've been maintaining the last nine months, and I’m comfortable here for a minute! We have the most amazing clients, and business hasn't slowed down. It's actually grown. It's going to be ok just to coast. I'm still grieving. While it is still a joyful business, it's hard to show up and be joyful. It sucks some days knowing she isn't here to maintain it with me. It's tough to be happy when I feel so much pain. Some days I'm so overwhelmed that doing this job is hard. I haven't cleaned off her desk; I just can't, its gathers dust, but right now, I'm just coasting. I want to get bigger down the road, but I don't feel the pressure to do it right this minute." One of the things that have helped Sarah through this challenging time is the support of her husband, who now works with her full-time. While he can never replace her mother, it's been nice to have him by her side and to be able to spend more time together. And despite the challenges of working with family, Sarah knows it's worth it. She remembers how she and her mother would blow up at each other one minute, then be friends again the next, and realizes that's just part of life. As she continues to balance grief and growth, Sarah is taking things one day at a time and finding hope for the future.

Jennifer's legacy is a powerful symbol of the importance of embracing life, following our passions and cherishing every moment we have. Her courage and determination to live life to the fullest despite the challenges she faced are genuinely inspiring. As busy business owners and mothers, we work daily to provide for our families and create a better future. But in the midst of our busy schedules, it's easy to forget the importance of taking a moment to celebrate our hard work and enjoy the fruits of our labor. Jennifer's celebration of life is a beautiful reminder that we should cherish the time we have with our loved ones and make the most of every moment. Let's honor Jennifer's memory by embracing life to the fullest, pursuing our dreams, and spreading joy and positivity wherever we go. Let us be grateful for each day and never take our time for granted. With a positive attitude and a determination to persevere, we can overcome obstacles and achieve greatness. So, let us celebrate Jennifer's legacy by creating beautiful memories with our families, taking time to enjoy the little things, and never forgetting the importance of living life to the fullest. Let us be inspired by her legacy and strive to make a positive impact on the world, just as Jennifer did.


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