Celebrating Pride with Tommy DeLorenzo: A Journey Through Balloon Art and Love

Pride Month is a time to celebrate, reflect, and honor the LGBTQ+ community. This year, we sat down with Tommy DeLorenzo, a talented balloon artist from the Chicagoland area, to talk about his incredible journey, the intertwining of his personal and professional life, and the joy and challenges of being a balloon business owner. Here’s his inspiring story, full of color, creativity, and a whole lot of love.

A Lifelong Passion for Balloon Art

Tommy’s love for balloon art began at an early age. “I’ve wanted to do balloons pretty much since I was born,” he says with a smile. He fondly recalls a note from his preschool teacher that sits on his office desk, expressing a hope that Tommy would one day have his balloon shop. This early passion was further fueled by annual visits to the International Balloon Arts Convention (IBAC) with his parents, where the festival’s decor and competition pieces left a lasting impression on him. Today, Tommy has been crafting balloon art professionally for 24 years, turning his childhood dream into a successful career.

Love and Business: A Perfect Pair

Tommy’s journey as a balloon artist is deeply intertwined with his identity as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. His husband, Scott, is not only his life partner but also his business partner. “Working with your spouse can be challenging, but we love it!” Tommy shares. Their partnership is a testament to the strength and resilience of their relationship, and their shared passion for balloon art brings an extra layer of meaning to their work.

His first experience attending a Pride event as a balloon artist was nothing short of magical. “The first time we did balloons for a Pride parade, people went nuts. Balloons make such a large, colorful, impactful statement that people just love them!” he exclaims. The rainbow-colored balloons brought an unparalleled sense of joy and excitement to the event, inspiring Tommy and Scott to top their Pride displays every year.

Every June, Tommy and Scott’s calendar is packed with Pride Month installations. Some of Tommy’s favorite projects include parade displays, floral shop installations, and a stunning Pride tree. Incorporating LGBTQ+ themes and symbols into their art is a priority for Tommy, who loves using colors from the progressive pride flag to ensure everyone feels represented. “It can be challenging to work in so many colors sometimes, but I think it is important that everyone is represented,” he explains.

As an LGBTQ+ balloon artist, Tommy has faced his share of challenges. “Any minority is going to face adversity, especially in business,” he acknowledges. While the event industry is generally LGBTQ+ friendly, there are still moments of discomfort. However, Tommy and Scott remain undeterred, often using their Pride-related events as a way to ensure that those who aren’t supportive keep their distance. “We do and post enough Pride-related events that I hope those people stay far away on purpose now! Haha,” Tommy jokes.

The support from the LGBTQ+ community has been invaluable to Tommy. He feels immense gratitude for the friends and industry peers who have supported him throughout his career. This sense of community has inspired his artistic style, showing him that “there are no limits.”

A Memorable Impact

One of the most poignant moments in Tommy’s career came after the Pulse nightclub shooting. He created a large display honoring the victims during the Chicago Pride parade. “There were lots of tears and heartfelt things expressed from the crowd instead of the usual cheering and screaming for the more fun displays,” he recalls. This emotional tribute highlighted the power of art to convey deep emotions and foster a sense of unity and remembrance.

Tommy believes that art plays a crucial role in promoting LGBTQ+ visibility and acceptance. “I’m not sure if art is more important, more loud, more expressive to any other community in the world!” he states. Art provides a medium to express creativity, tell stories, and share experiences that might otherwise go unheard.

While some might see balloons as mere fun, Tommy views his work as contributing to the broader LGBTQ+ rights movement. Public displays, even those as seemingly innocuous as balloons, can make a statement. “If you’re going to be mad at balloons, maybe look inward and see how silly you are!” he laughs.

Through his art, Tommy hopes to bring joy, provoke thought, and foster a more inclusive world. This Pride Month, we celebrate Tommy DeLorenzo, whose balloons do more than brighten the skies—they uplift spirits, promote inclusivity, and remind us of the power of love and creativity.


A Dynamic Duo


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